Thank you for purchasing my application. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form. Thanks so much!
Before production, don't forget to remove "addons" folder!
Applications supports 3 modes:
After first configuration, you can change mode in "application/config/cr_config.php", variable $config['app_type'].
Application supports revision management, including copying, making new revisions, view revision, download files in a zip archive, view print version.
Client only can edit and save last revision data.
All Databases that Codeigniter PHP Framework support are supported. I recommend sqlite (default) or MySQL.
Codeigniter supports: MySQL (4.1+), MySQLi, MS SQL, Postgres, Oracle, SQLite, and ODBC.
If you want to change database, you can found configuration in "/application/config/production/database.php".
// Examples: default, mysql $active_group = 'default';
//MySQL configuration example $db['mysql']['hostname'] = 'localhost'; $db['mysql']['username'] = 'root'; $db['mysql']['password'] = ''; $db['mysql']['database'] = 'contentrocket'; $db['mysql']['dbdriver'] = 'mysql'; $db['mysql']['dbprefix'] = ''; $db['mysql']['pconnect'] = FALSE; $db['mysql']['db_debug'] = FALSE; $db['mysql']['cache_on'] = FALSE; $db['mysql']['cachedir'] = ''; $db['mysql']['char_set'] = 'utf8'; $db['mysql']['dbcollat'] = 'utf8_general_ci'; $db['mysql']['swap_pre'] = ''; $db['mysql']['autoinit'] = TRUE; $db['mysql']['stricton'] = FALSE;
SQLite and MySQL Examples are available, but you can change to PostgreSQL or other supported.
More details about database configuration you can find at:
Currently available and tested languages are: croatian, english
If you want to add a new language, it is necessary to copy one of languages folder inside
"/application/language" (just 115 lines) and "/system/language" (* might be already translated)
change folder name and translate the files within the directory.
*Hint: System folder might be already translated, Google for "Codeigniter translations"
You can find more about codeigniter translations at:
There are 6 examples of templates available in the directory "templates".
There will be best to copy and modify one of example templates.
* Hint: Example themes are from Bootstrap, so you can just overwrite css files
For logo, first image from design additional files is used:
{has_additional_repository} {additional_repository_first} <a href="{homepage_url}"><img src="{url}" alt="{meta_title}" /></a> {/additional_repository_first} {/has_additional_repository} {no_additional_repository} <h2>{meta_title}</h2> {/no_additional_repository}
For "Under construction" page body:
For gallery images, second and images after it from design additional files is used:
{has_uc_page_images} <div class="separator"><strong>{image_gallery}</strong></div> <ul data-target="#modal-gallery" data-toggle="modal-gallery" class="files files-list ui-sortable"> {uc_page_images} <li class="img-rounded template-download fade in"> <a data-gallery="gallery" href="{url}" title="{filename}" download="{url}" class="preview"> <img src="{thumbnail_url}" data-src="{url}" alt="{filename}" class="img-rounded"> </a> </li> {/uc_page_images} </ul> {/has_uc_page_images}
For documents:
{has_uc_page_documents} <div class="separator"><strong>{files}</strong></div> <ul> {uc_page_documents} <li> <a href="{url}">{filename}</a> </li> {/uc_page_documents} </ul> {/has_uc_page_documents}
For Bootstrap carousel:
{has_additional_repository} <div id="myCarousel" class="carousel slide"> <ol class="carousel-indicators"> {additional_repository_indicator_after1} <li data-target="#myCarousel" data-slide-to="{id}"> </li> {/additional_repository_indicator_after1} </ol> <!-- Carousel items --> <div class="carousel-inner img-rounded"> {additional_repository_after1} <div class="item"> <img src="{url}" alt="{filename}" /> </div> {/additional_repository_after1} </div> <!-- Carousel nav --> <a class="carousel-control left" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="prev">‹</a> <a class="carousel-control right" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="next">›</a> </div> {/has_additional_repository}
For current page title:
For current page body:
For company name:
If you want to add more, currently not available data to template you can edit "application/controllers/frontend.php", index method. Yust add data to $this->data array.
More about tamplets and about codeigniter you can found at CodeIgniter user guide
If you want best seo principles like just content title in URL, without id or "index.php" in URI, you need to:
Change variable to remove id from URI:
$config['extra_seo'] = false;
$config['extra_seo'] = true;
in "application/config/cr_config.php"
And if your server supports mod_rewrite, to remove "index.php" from URI:
Rename "seo.htaccess" file to ".htaccess".
In "application/config/config.php" change:
$config['index_page'] = 'index.php';
$config['index_page'] = '';
After that you must not have the same page titles on 2 pages.
The system supports JSON API interface for easy connectivity with other applications.
Detailed API description is shown when logged in as an admin.
Application also support XML sitemap, URL for api:
Knowledge of the CodeIgniter PHP Framework is required.
CodeIgniter is a very simple framework with the best documentation ever seen, so you can easy learn it.
Look at
I added "addons/phpliteadmin.php" for the administration and view of SQLite database.
Before production, don't forget to remove "addons" folder!
I've used the following files and services as listed:
Thank you so much for purchasing this application. I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this plugin. No guarantees, but I will do my best to help.